Business Plan Services



FirstPlus business consultancy services are focused on business growth and operational efficiency; and our key area of expertise are business plan, Marketing Plan, Proposals and Feasibility Reports.

FirstPlus will develop a business plan (or feasibility report) that describes your business, business goals, reasons they are attainable, details strategies for achieve the goals, potential problems that may confront the business and ways to solve them, the organizational structure of your business (including titles and responsibilities), and finally, the amount of capital required to finance the venture and keep it going until it breaks even with 6 weeks.

Explained below is our process for developing business plan.

What is a business Plan?

A business plan is a written document that describes your business, business goals, reasons they are attainable,  details strategies for achieve the goals,  potential problems that may confront the business and ways to solve them, the organizational structure of your business (including titles and responsibilities), and finally, the amount of capital required to finance the venture and keep it going until it breaks even.

A business plan provides an opportunity to identify any weaknesses and reveal any hidden problems ahead of time. 

It is an analysis of how well the business will work; and its purpose is to minimize the risk associated with the new business venture and maximize the chances of success through research, planning and thinking. 

It analyzes the customers, competition, the market, the business strategic situation (strength, weakness, opportunities and threats), financials (Assets, Capital, Liabilities, expenses, Income and cash flow), management and staffing needs, manufacturing process, etc.

It focuses on clarifying the goals and objectives of the business venture. Planning, however, may not guarantee success in business and cannot make a bad business idea feasible. However, a business plan must be realistic and based on valid assumptions.

A business plan focuses on four major areas:

  1. Organizational issues

  2. Market issues

  3. Technical issue

  4. Financial issues

 Components of a business plan

Therefore, good business plan that will guide the business and aid decision making must discuss the following areas:

  • The business concept section: this covers the industry, the business and its structure, products and/ or services, and its plan for success.

  • The operations and production section that describes the operations and production strategy,

  • The market section which describes and analyzes the potential customers and competitions, who and where they are, what makes customers to buy and how to position the business in the market.

  • Finally, the financial section contains the projected analysis of financial statements like Income and Loss Statement, Cash-flow Statement, Balance sheet and other financial ratios, such as break-even analyses.

 Sections of our business plan

Breaking these four major sections further, a business plan that will guide the business venture and aid decision making must have the following sections:

  • Executive Summary: The summary of the whole report.

  • Background : Brief description of the company, organization, business, limit and scope of study

  • Product analysis: description of company products

  • Market Analysis: It describes the Domestic market profile, Oversea market profile, Target market and Overall market feasibility and analyzes the potential customers and competitions, who and where they are, what makes customers to buy and how to position the business in the market.

  • Marketing Strategy: Business SWOT analysis and strategy for capturing your market niche

  • Operations and production plan: that describes the technical and technology issues and developed operations and production strategy,

  • Management and personal plan :Organizational analysis/Plan

  • Financial Plan: this section contains the 5-year projected financial plan made up projected financial statements like Income and Loss Statement, Cash-flow Statement, Balance sheet and financial objectives and assumptions

  • Financial Analysis: Evaluation of the feasibility using financial ratio (like break-even analysis, Gross Profit Margin And Net Profit Margin, Return On Equity And Return On Assets, Earning Per Share, Current ratio, Return on capital employed, Assets turnover and so on) computed from the project financial statement and financial analysis summary

  • Conclusion and recommendation

  • Appendices

If the recipient of the business plan demanded for a special requirement, it will be presented as required. However, you may click here for our Business Plan Requirement


There is no much difference between Business Plan and Feasibility Studies/Report,  you can also view our Feasibility Studies services by clicking below:

Feasibility Studies Services