Classification of websites by domain name extension

Classification of websites by Domain Name Extension

Each website must have a Domain Name. The domain name is the name of the website that you type to call it up. Basically the domain name has three parts,  for example, the domain name of one of my website is “” .The three parts of this example is illustrated below:

  • First Part: The first part is the “www”; which simply means the World Wide Web. It is necessary to note that some websites may not have it depending on their setup, so it may be optional.
  • The second Part: The second part is “firstplus”. This is the name that the owner calls his website. It is compulsory.
  • The Third Part: The third part of the domain name is “”, This is the domain name extension. The “.ng” shows that it was registered at the .ng registry (that is the Nigerian Country Code). Some domain names may not have this extension because they were registered in the www central registry.

The “org” denoted that it is owned by a n organization (basically a no-for-profit organization like clubs, group meetings, village meeting and so on.

Presented below are some examples of the domain name extensions and their purpose:

S/No Domain Purpose
1 Commercial entities and purposes
2 Higher and further education and research institution
3 Personal names
4 Internet Service / Telecoms Providers’ infrastructure
5 Not-for-profit entities
6 Other Academic institutions
7 National, regional, and local government bodies and agencies
8 Military and related purposes
9 For mobile devices meeting .mobi gTLD standards

Source :

There is the need to note that some domain names extensions are restricted (closed) while some are not (Open). The open ones are .com, ,name, .org and .mobi.

Thank you.


Thank you very much for reading this blog. Presented below is a list of other articles on websites that might be of interest to you.

  1. What is a website?
  2. Classification of websites by types of webpages
  3. Classification of websites by ownership
  4. Classification of websites by purpose

As you read them drop a comment because your feedback is very important to us. It will help us to improve. Regards…

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